Exploit Code
- Jupiter 1.1.5ex Privileges Escalation Exploit
- ThemeSiteScript 1.0 (index.php loadadminpage) RFI Vulnerability
- CuteNews <= 1.4.5 Admin Password md5 Hash Fetching Exploit
- MeGaCheatZ 1.1 Multiple Remote SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
- WebSihirbazi 5.1.1 (pageid) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
- MMSLamp (idpro) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
- Adult Script <= 1.6.5 Multiple Remote SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
- PHP ZLink 0.3 (go.php) Remote SQL Injection Exploit
- OpenSSL < 0.9.7l / 0.9.8d SSLv2 Client Crash Exploit
- zBlog 1.2 Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
- Ip Reg 0.3 Multiple Remote SQL Injection Vulnerabilities
- Wallpaper Site 1.0.09 (category.php) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
- Shadowed Portal <= 5.7d3 (POST) Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability
- Shadowed Portal <= 5.7d3 Remote Command Execution Exploit
- Social Engine 2.0 Multiple Local File Inclusion Vulnerabilities
- mBlog 1.2 (page) Remote File Disclosure Vulnerability
- 1024 CMS 1.3.1 (LFI/SQL) Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
- Arcadem LE 2.04 (loadadminpage) Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability
- NmnNewsletter 1.0.7 (output) Remote File Inclusion Vulnerability
- nicLOR CMS (sezione_news.php) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
- Sendmail with clamav-milter < 0.91.2 Remote Root Exploit
- MS Windows 2000 AS SP4 Message Queue Exploit (MS07-065)
- Apple Mac OS X mount_smbfs Stack Based Buffer Overflow Exploit
- xeCMS 1.x (view.php list) Remote File Disclosure Vulnerability
- HP Software Update client Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities
- Linux Kernel < BLUETOOTH Stack Local Root Exploit
- PhpMyDesktop|arcade 1.0 Final (phpdns_basedir) RFI Vulnerability
- 3proxy 0.5.3g logurl() Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit (win32) (pl)
- Dokeos 1.8.4 Bypass Upload Shell From Your Profile Vulnerability
- iMesh <= 7.1.0.x (IMWeb.dll 7.0.0.x) Remote Heap Overflow Exploit
- jetAudio 7.0.5 COWON Media Center MP4 Stack Overflow Exploit
- phpMyRealty 1.0.x (search.php type) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
- Rosoft Media Player <= 4.1.7 .M3U Stack Overflow Exploit
- SurgeMail v.38k4 webmail Host header Denial of Service Exploit
- RaidenHTTPD 2.0.19 (ulang) Remote Command Execution Exploit
- RavWare Software MAS Flic Control Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit
- MS Windows Message Queuing Service RPC BOF Exploit (MS07-065)
- rooter VDSL Device (Goahead WEBSERVER) Disclosure Vulnerability
- FreeWebshop <= 2.2.7 (cookie) Admin Password Grabber Exploit
- WFTPD Explorer Pro 1.0 Remote Heap Overflow PoC
- MySpace Content Zone 3.x Remote File Upload Vulnerability
- FreeWebshop 2.2.1 Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
- MOG-WebShop (index.php group) Remote SQL Injection Exploit
- GF-3XPLORER 2.4 (XSS/LFI/Etc.) Multiple Remote Vulnerabilities