電池っつーのはそもそも危ないものっちゅーことで (,,゚Д゚) ガンガレ!
電池発火、ノキアに報告命令 経産省、事実関係を検証 (asahi.com)
Exploit Code
- Mercury SMTPD Remote Preauth Stack Based Overrun PoC
- PHP <= 5.2.0 (php_win32sti) Local Buffer Overflow PoC (win32)
- Diskeeper 9 Remote Memory Disclosure Exploit
- GetMyOwnArcade (search.php query) Remote SQL Injection Vulnerability
- EDraw Office Viewer Component 5.1 HttpDownloadFile() Insecure Method
- Easy Chat Server 2.2 Remote Denial of Service Exploit
- WireShark < 0.99.6 MMS Remote Denial of Service Exploit
- SurgeMail 38k (SEARCH) Remote Buffer Overflow Exploit
- IBM Rational ClearQuest Web Login Bypass SQL Injection Vulnerability